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Real Answers: A Look at Suicide 2024

In July 2024, CandleX I interviewed four individuals well-known in the wellbeing community in China. The intention was to raise awareness of a topic that we do not discuss sufficiently.

They were not aware of the questions beforehand. These questions were challenging, and after the interviews, they were given time to consider whether they wished to continue participating in our awareness-raising initiative in Beijing for the community regarding suicide. We are grateful that they chose to join us in focusing attention on suicide.

If you have lost someone to suicide or are experiencing suicidal thoughts or attempts, please get in touch with us by scanning the code below. In the meantime, you can visit our website to learn more about the psychosocial support available at CandleX and beyond. From July to September 2024, we will be conducting support groups and webinars to support those in need.

2024 Suicide Awareness Raising Partners


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