If you are experiencing mental health crisis, or your loved ones are, you can reach out to us and use the following services at CandleX:
You can find more resources available at CandleX at the end of this article.
Please be aware that this compiled list of resources is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather a curated selection that we have endorsed to help avoid choice paralysis.
1. Reach out to the crisis hotlines listed below:
For anyone in need of assistance in times of crisis, or just a listening ear, below are some recommended hotlines. They all offer anonymous, confidential support services. Some of them offer it in the form of live chat. All services are free of charge: callers only need to pay the normal phone call rate.
Additionally, you can find regional hotline on these pages:
2. Domestic Abuse Victims:
For those who are going through domestic violence, here is the list of full resources available: 反家暴公益热线全国版地图. The majority of services are in Chinese only. There are two services that offer them also in English, which were verified in September 2024.
3. Alcoholics Anonymous Group in Beijing:
Read our interview with one of the member from our community writing project: Michael’s Journey to Alcoholism Recovery.