Aug 27, 2017
MoodLaB: An Art Space for Bipolar Disorder | 5 released
People with bipolar disorder Their voices, and faces Why don’t we use art to “talk” about it? Moodlab Project kicked off in September...

Aug 10, 2017
Recommended Reading
Books contain a wealth of information and are an invaluable source when facing mental illness. They contain both facts and personal...

Jun 21, 2017
Purpose | Life’s Momentum
Nha Trang, Vietnam 27th May 2017 Nha Trang, Vietnam It is a special day today. I have lived 3 more years. I’ve had 3 more years to...

Jun 13, 2017
News | MoodlaB is heating up!
What does bipolar disorder have to do with art, body movement, psychosocial education, or, more directly, your life? We don’t often think...

Jun 11, 2017
Event Review | Mental Health for Soon to be College Students with ESC
On 20th May 2017, CandleX ran a mental health workshop for Chinese students who are soon to go to top universities in the USA. It’s...

May 9, 2017
News | CandleX on the CGTN news on World Health Day
On the 7th of April 2017, China’s major national English news channel – China Global Television Network aired a two minute segment to...