Jun 2, 2019
Event | 29 June | MoodlaB Exhibit and Launch Party @Camera Stylo
MoodlaB. #Bipolar. #BeBrave. #BeStrong. Just #BeYourself. MoodlaB is the award-winning photo and story series from CandleX, Bearapy and...

May 25, 2019
The Moon Traveller | One Model, One Story
Xiaojie Qin, Founder of CandleX, has a past with bipolar disorder. Although sheis no longer labelled with this condition, she wrote this...

Mar 21, 2019
News | CandleX on the radio for World Suicide Prevention Day
September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day, a global awareness raising event observed to honour commitment and action to...

Oct 3, 2018
Care Less | One Model One Story
We will all encounter issues at some point in our lives. It may be the loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, or mental health...

Mar 4, 2018
“I can save the world! No, I am a coward.” | What is it like to experience bipolar disorder?
“I can save the world! No, I am a coward.” |What is it like to experience bipolar disorder? The majority of people have not experienced...

Mar 4, 2018
Heaven and hell, in a single brain | All the things you need to know about Bipolar Disorder
“She is sometimes a ranged shrew, with shrieks pierced my ears and frightful expressions in her eyes; standing on the stage, she forgets...